"dogdhe aswei bac doham"
Oh Lord, You are abiding in every human being. You are also talking through my mouth. I, therefore, humbly request You, Father, to talk very sweetly and divinely through my mouth by which all people will get God realization. I bow to you all. My respected souls, you all know in the Bible, Genesis, it says, "God made men and women in His own image, and He breathed into their nostrils the breath of His life, and He became the living souls in the whole universe." Therefore, I want to bow to the people of the whole universe with deepest regard.
As souls you all are the children of God. You have the same potential as God. Beauty, sweetness, perfection, love and life are the powers of God, the qualities of God. Those qualities also remain in every human being. You are marvelous powers of God. You are all religious. Many of you have taken initiation from many people. But if you ask your conscience, you will say that you are not feeling that you are the power of God. Even for ten minutes you are not perceiving that formless stage. When you are sitting for meditation, you are getting more thoughts.
In the Bible Matthew said that your eyes should seek God. Ask your conscience the whole day and night if your eyes seek God. Matthew said that your hands and legs should seek God. Ask your conscience, "Do you feel that the power of God is working through your hands, walking through your legs, and seeing through your eyes?" It is also written that your mouth is not made for bread only. The talk that proceeds from your mouth, is that the talk of God? Throughout the day do you feel it? You are Christians. The Bible should be in your practical life. Do you feel that your body is a real Bible? Why are you not feeling? Jesus also said the same thing, "You are born of flesh, so you are after the flesh. But you are to be born again from above through water and spirit. (John 3:5)
In the Bhagavat-gita, sixth Chapter, 25th verse, it is said:
sanaih sanairuparamedubuddhya dhrtigrhitaya
It is written in the sixth Chapter that "you should gradually come up, come up, and come up on the top." You will also see that it is written in Bhagavat-gita in the fourth Chapter, 42nd verse:
tasmadajnanasambhutam brtstham jnanasinatmanah chitvainam samjayam yogamatisthottistha bharata
"Come up on the top of your head. Where the power of God is residing, your soul is remaining. If you remain there and calmly watch, then you will get the real Truth." You should not look anywhere; calmly fix your pin-pointed attention in the soul in the pituitary. Until you do that, you cannot perceive the real Truth.
tasmin sati swasa praswasa gati bichhedah pranayamah
Truth is required. Kriya Yoga is teaching the Truth. It is a very short-cut technique. Within five minutes' time you will get that power to rise inside where it is needed.
I am telling you the real truth about the Kriya is that all our centers, although remaining from the lower center to the top (coccy-geal, sacral, lumbar, dorsal, cervical, medulla), if the soul does not remain, then you have no centers.
Therefore, all the centers are remaining at the top of your head. Kriya proper means God is inhaling breath through your nose from the top and you are offering your coccygeal center to God. In the second breath you are offering your sacral center to God. Then the third breath is taken by God and you are offering your lumbar center to God. You are offering your heart center to God on the top, and so on.
You require two things: kri and ya. Kri is work going on in the lower centers, and that work is done by the top, the upper center. You should give it insight. It is very important. It is the essence of the real truth of Kriya Yoga.
Your heart center is not in your heart. Heart failure means soul failure. You should offer your heart to God. You should offer your everything to God. In scripture it is written:
debare brahmano vidu
You know Brahma in two steps. One is ya, which is remaining on the top and observing that work is going on. You are earning money: that is kri. People are enjoying sexually: that is kri. Enjoyment is coming from the top: ya. Kri means you do your work from morning until you go to bed, but that work is done by ya: God, your Soul. He is inhaling breath from the top. If God does not inhale breath from the top, you cannot earn money, you cannot enjoy. To earn money is kri, work, and that work is coming from ya, the Soul, the Spirit.
Jesus said, "Your liberation is in your hand. You are not to go to the grave to earn it. Your divine kingdom is within you. Your aim is within you; that is your life."
You are westerners. You are getting extreme wealth. You require pleasure of the senses. You require a car, good houses, free mixing of the sexes and sense enjoyment. That is good. Along with this, you are to meditate. Your peace is your birthright. Though you have everything, if you ask your conscience, you will normally find that you have frustration, unhappiness, unpleasantness, sorrow, ups and down, pitfalls. You are engrossed in your five sense organs. Your five sense organs are your enemies. They are all pulling you down. You are enjoying just like animal beings.
ahara nidra vaya maithunanch samanametat pasuve naranam
"Animal beings are also enjoying—eating, sleeping, quarreling and giving birth to offsprings. You are also doing the same."
God was alone. He was not happy. Why did he descend? Why did he say, "I will be many?" Only for divine joy. If you will keep your attention at the seat of God when you are getting sexual enjoyment, then that enjoyment will be the divine bliss - not like animal pleasure.
A dead man has no appetite. The appetite is from the brain where the power of God is remaining. In food grains, also, the power of God is remaining. God is all-pervading. He is in every food stuff. A dead man cannot eat food. You are eating food. That is kri, and you are not eating food. The power of God is eating the food through you. Food is the first God. If you cannot take food, you cannot get energy, you cannot get life, you cannot get brain power, you cannot get anything.
Food is the living power of God. You are getting the taste of the food. That taste is not in the food. If you give one fruit in the mouth of a dead man, he cannot say whether it is sweet or sour. The taste is given by the power of God: ya. Anger, pride, sweetness, love - everything is coming from God. This is Kriya. If you can remain in the top, if you can practice it, you will get constant liberation.
Now, I am telling you that Kriya Yoga is based on deep, long, scientific breath. You require five-thousand gallons of oxygen daily. But you are not getting that oxygen. The breath control is the self-control. By the practice of Kriya you get deep, long, scientific breath. Even when you are sleeping you are taking deep, long breaths. In this way you are taking breath for seven to eight hours in the night. Because you are taking deep, long, scientific breaths during the time of sleep, you have no thought, no intellect, no sex sense, no sorrow, no pain. You are only sleeping. If you do not prepare your field like that, your meditation cannot give you peace.
By the practice of Kriya Yoga you should take this type of breath. But you should know it from a teacher.
saile saile na manikyam chandanam na bane bane
"There are many hills, but in every hill you will not get the diamond. There are many forests, but in every forest you will not get the sandal tree." There are many monks, but the real realized monk, who has penetrated the veil of nature's splendors, who is free from all body senses, worldly attachments, who has achieved thorough introvert stage, and those who have penetrated the veil of all religions, are very rare. In many religions there are flaws. The real realized yogis, who has perceived the super-conscious stage and cosmic consciousness, can infuse that power. I am telling that we are purifying the fifty body parts of every human being who is taking yoga initiation.
You are remaining in the lower center. By the practice of Kriya Yoga you can lift up the whole power from the lower centers to the upper center, the Christ center. Within four to five minutes' time you can magnetize your whole body and you can really get calmness, divine sound, divine vibration in the whole body and divine light in the whole body. We are lifting up the power to the top, and we are giving divine sound, light, vibration in four to five minutes' time. It is a simple technique.
God brought the ultimate mystery of yoga and Kriya Yoga with His creation. What is yoga? It is the union of the gross body form with the formless body. Some thousands and thousands of years ago God brought that yoga technique in the era of truth - satya yuga. At that time there was no Rama, no Krishna, no Durga, no Kali, no Jesus, no Moses, no David, no Abraham, no Mohammed, no Shankar, no Buddha. There were no spiritual books—no Veda, no Upanishad, no Patanjali, no Bible, no Koran. They were only withdrawing their senses from the lower center to the upper center. Even the boys of five, six up to the old people were only practicing the technique for ten minutes. They were all getting purity, perfection, peace, sweetness, even constant liberation. They were feeling that without God there was nothing.
Nowadays the religions are just only religious plays, dogmatic views, fanatic ideas, suggestions, speculations, imaginations, hallucinations, magic. You all are busy with this. You are leaving your own religion. It is written in the Bhagavat-gita, third Chapter, 35th verse and eighteenth Chapter, 47th verse that "everyone should remain with his own religion. If they accept the religion of other persons it is dangerous for them. They will not get the Truth."
Every religion teaches the formless. The ultimate goal of all religions is the formless. That formless cannot be perceived by talk, by sight, by hearing sound. Many are chanting, singing, dancing, playing, jointly and loudly chanting, as if God is deaf. God is all-pervading. He is within you. Without Him you cannot talk. Now there is extreme corruption in religions. In Bhagavad-gita, fourth Chapter, seventh verse it is said:
yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata
"When there is extreme defect and religious play in religions, God sends a real realized yogi who teaches the real Truth." You see that Babaji was born and taught the technique of Kriya Yoga.
ananta param akhita sabda sashtram
"There are many spiritual books - millions." Many teachers. But our life is very short, our difficulties are many. In the scriptures it is said:
yat sara bhutam tat grahitabyam
"That which is the essence of all religions should be received." Kriya Yoga is the shortest and the simplest technique. By the scientific technique of Kriya Yoga you get simultaneous development of body, mind, intellect and soul. It not only gives you God-realization, but also a sound, beautiful lustrous body, sound brain, sound memory and good education. Also, you will be able to earn more money. At the same time, through your every work, you feel that the power of God is activating through your body.
Kriya Yoga is not Hinduism. It is non-sectarian. It is real transcendental meditation. What do we mean by transcendental? Transcendental means that which you cannot express by talk, sight, sound or by your five sense organs. Formless and transcendental wisdom cannot be perceived by the sense organs. It can be perceived by the atom, just where the power of God is remaining.
You are all religious, all chanting and doing many things, but you are not getting the purity and perfection because your spiritual field is not ready. If you do not cultivate the land and sow seeds on the ground, you cannot expect any harvest.
First, you have to magnetize your spine. Inside the spine your whole astrology is remaining. We know the cosmic astrology. By the technique you can avoid all the bad influences of stars and planets. There are 6 months descending and 6 ascending -12 months inside the spine. In one breath you are completing the meditation of 1 year.
If you practice Kriya Yoga with love, you will slowly get all-round development. You will get a beautiful, lustrous body your whole life. I am eighty-five years old. I am doing Kriya. See my body? I am doing hard work the whole day. I am taking students every day. By the practice of the technique your brain power will increase. Memory will be sharp. You will get receptivity. You can do your work nicely. This is the panacea for all diseases. By the technique you can offer your body to God, your heart to God, even your six centers to God. You are the power of God. You will feel that you are the children of God. Through your activities you will feel God is so kind. You will be realized - avadit satyam asti.
You are spending huge money for your family, your pleasure of senses, cinema, dress, and for everything. But if you take this precious technique, thousands of dollars will not be worth it, because immediately you will get the power. That is real saktipat. Your whole life that will remain permanent. Only you are to practice it sincerely. The opportunity must not be neglected for it may never return. It is a golden opportunity. I have brought the original technique of Sri Yukteswarji, Lahiri Baba, Babaji. Immediately, you will get that power within 2 minutes' time.
You are only born for God-realization. I tell you: Asurya namo ta lokah. If you do not seek the Soul, the God, in your day-to-day life, it is death to you. To seek God is to get the power of God. You are the living power of God. Feel that you are the living power of God. Peace is your birthright. This is the time to earn God - no question of age. With this I bow to every human being for they are the living power of God.
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