Not This Light

In churches and temples, people light candles. Similarly, before sitting for meditation, you light a candle on your altar. However, this is not the light that you are to perceive; the light of God is not perceived with the gross sense organs. You are to perceive that Light, that Light which is the divine fire eternally burning on the top of your head, in the fontanel. As the Isha Upanishad concludes, in mantra 18, agne naya supatharaye asman, or "O Divine Fire, lead us to the royal road." You all require that Light.

In John 3:6, it is written "flesh gives birth to flesh," meaning that you are all engrossed in the material pleasures of the world and in darkness. The Vedas, Upanishads, and all the scriptures of the world say the same thing: avoid indulgence in selfish material pursuits and remain in the Light. But, how should one do that? What is the technique? The technique is meditation. As explained in the Bhagavad Gita 2:50, yogah karmasu kaushalam, or "yoga is applied technique."

Through Kriya Yoga we learn the technique, which involves obtaining the divine Light and remaining there, in that Light. To do so, keep negatives out of your mind. Any evil or non-godly thought which comes, immediately return the thought to God, along with a humble prayer to be free from negativity. With a slow and feeble breath, always search Him in the fontanel; feel His movement sensation in the top of your head.

For example, consider the life of Moses. When Moses was married and had a family, including children, he killed a man and was forced to flee into the desert. Later, Moses remarried, and his new wife bore him more children. Sometime afterward he climbed Mt. Sinai and, while the mountain trembled and thunder rumbled in the skies, he saw the burning bush, he perceived the divine light, vibration and sound in the fontanel. God spoke to him, and he obtained God-realization. God then told him to go and spread the divine message, but Moses objected, arguing that he knew nothing and had no particular power. In response, God instructed Moses to throw his stick on the ground, and suddenly the stick became a snake. That stick represents your spine, and, as such, you must lower your spine to the ground in the bowing posture and feel the vibration of God, which moves like a snake from the bottom center to the top of the head and throughout the whole body.

Such is Kriya Yoga. You are all God in human form. If you have a profound desire to realize Him and you practice lovingly, regularly, and sincerely realization is quite easy. Shun your negatives; remain in His Light. In this way, the whole world will be free from darkness. If you have the desire, you have the power: meditate and be divine.

I give you all my extreme love, affection and blessings.



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