A Message By Paramahamsa Hariharananda
Everything is light. You are to perceive it constantly-this is your liberation. But your mind during meditation is very restless, with many thoughts, many ideas, much imagination... which is not meditation. So you do not see the light. So how to do it? By the feeble breath. Constantly watch that the Supreme Almighty Lord is pulling a very feeble, smooth breath in the top of your head. Then you will see the light.
You have three bodies: A-U-M. A is your causal body, in the fontanel. U is your astral body, in the pituitary. And M is your gross body. Together they make the aum sound, the whole process of creation. But it is only when you are in M, in your gross body, that you can talk, or do any work. When you are engrossed in the fontanel, in A, you cannot talk, you cannot work. No words can come out of the mouth when you are engrossed in the top.
So you please remove the 26 letters, put them in a suitcase, lock it, and then bow. As you do your bow, your tongue is rolled up in khechari mudra, your attention is 100% in the fontanel, and you take only slow, feeble breaths.
In every breath, mentally say "Lord, Savior". Take another breath and say "Lord, Savior" with your attention in the fontanel. Then another breath and say "Lord, Savior" in the forehead. Then do the same in the eyes, then in the ears, the nose, cheeks, inside of the mouth, chin, upper lip, lower lip, inside the forehead, and finally back in the fontanel. Your tongue is still rolled up. Then take another breath and perceive the God movement sensation, light and sound in your whole face. Then come to the heart, then the stomach, then sex center, then the bottom center.
You are very restless when you meditate. You should feel that your whole body is covered with snow. You do not know where your body is anymore. And you are covered with sound. You must get to that stage. When thoughts are coming, mentally say "Lord, Savior" and bow.
You must perceive the triple divine qualities - light, sound, vibration - in your 7 centers, in your hips, legs, feet, toes, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers...
When you come down from paravastha, then the letters start coming into the mouth, and then come out of the mouth in the form of words, and words lead to action. But through your every activity, you are to watch His presence in the top of your brain, with a very feeble breath; and you are to watch the light.
If I see the flower, I am in the material plane. Then I cannot come up to His presence. If I see the light in the flower, then I am in the spiritual plane, I am free. Please meditate very deeply. Immediately go to your fontanel with your slow and feeble breath, mentally say "Lord, Savior", and pack up your 26 letters.
I bow to you all, Humble Hariharananda
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